Hardwood flooring in Portsmouth, NH from Portsmouth Quality Flooring

Three hardwood flooring options for your bedroom

Hardwood flooring is a great choice for many rooms in your home. They provide impressive beauty and excellent performance, especially when customized.

For bedroom use, they can last a lifetime or more, with results you'll love. Here are three options that are perfect for bedroom floors.

1. Hickory and maple offer excellent durability

For bedrooms, durability can play a significant role, especially in children's rooms or where pets have access. Again, both hickory and maple hardwood flooring are good choices for this need.

These floors resist a great deal of daily wear and play. You'll see fewer scratches and dents with these wood floors than if you chose softer wood.

2. White maple and ash for light color schemes

If you need to match a light color scheme, white maple and ash are excellent choices, even when stained. They offer a friendly, neutral option that provides plenty of benefits.

Lighter colors are easy to clean and hide dirt well. They also make the room look bigger, thanks to natural light accents.

3. Birch and white oak work for darker color needs

When you want a darker color scheme in flooring, birch and white oak can work well as bedroom wood floors. Their tones cater to this need while also providing impressive visuals in graining.

Dark colors are less likely to fade because they absorb sunlight instead of reflecting it. The rich wood grains stand out and enhance any natural visual scheme.

Visit us to find the perfect hardwood flooring

Portsmouth Quality Flooring is the perfect place to find wood flooring in Portsmouth, NH. Our experienced associates will help you browse a comprehensive inventory of materials.

Please stop by our Portsmouth, NH, showroom today to find your hardwood flooring. From there, we cater to residents from:

  • Portsmouth, NH
  • Greenland, NH
  • New Castle, NH
  • Rye, NH
  • North Hampton, NH
  • Newmarket, NH
  • Exeter, NH
  • Stratham, NH
  • York, ME
  • Kittery, ME